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10 Proven Ways to Make Money Online Blogging with WordPress

October 27, 2022

10 Proven Ways to Make Money Online Blogging with WordPress

Are you curious about how people make money blogging with WordPress websites?

Entrepreneurs and small business owners are increasingly generating money online. And thanks to modern technology, even non-technical folks can create a profitable website with greater ease than ever.

Blogs have been around for over 20 years. But even in the age of social media and video, blogging is still a great way to make money. 

There are many different ways to earn money online.

You may earn money online by doing what you love using WordPress and blogging. You can work from home on your own time and earn unlimited money.

In this article, we will discuss the best-proven strategies to make money online blogging with WordPress

How Much Money Can You Make From Blogging?

The sky is the limit regarding how much money you can make blogging. Within a year, blogging can easily make you a few thousand dollars.

According to numerous revenue reports, thriving bloggers can make over $100,000 a year from their blogs alone. Additionally, according to Glassdoor, bloggers make an average monthly income of $51,906 annually.

If you take blogging seriously, you might even surpass these figures.

Warning: These aren’t get-rich-quick schemes. If you are looking for a way to get rich quickly by making money online, then you’re in the wrong place.

How Do Bloggers Make Money?

Bloggers make money in two ways: from the content they create and the audience they build around it. You can make money from your blog using both strategies.

You can monetize your content by running ads through Google AdSense or similar services. Advertisers will pay you for clicks or views on ads displayed on your blog. You can also sign up for affiliate links and earn money when a visitor buys something after clicking on that link.

You can also make money from your blog audience. 

Readers may purchase products or services from you directly. You can solicit reader donations or run crowdfunding campaigns. 

Based on the size and interests of your audience, brands may also pay to sponsor content on your blog. 

Finally, you can sell memberships or subscriptions that allow members to access premium content, events, or products.

Building your email list is essential if you want to make money from your blog. Instead of just waiting for your readers to find your blog, you can reach out to them via email.

Top WordPress Blogging Income Opportunities

WordPress is the best blogging platform for beginners. If you need to learn how to create a WordPress website, check out this complete video course on how to create a WordPress website from start to finish.

Once you’ve got your WordPress site up and running, here are the best ways you can make money blogging with it.

#1 Run Paid Ads

Advertising is one of the oldest ways to make money from blogging.

With services like Google AdsenseEzoicMedia.net, etc., placing advertising on your website is now simple.

How much you earn from ads will depend on how much traffic your blog gets.

This ads company acts as a bridge between your website and the advertiser.

These ad networks use the space on your website to display relevant ads from other businesses. And, with different Ad networks, you will be rewarded with different advertising models, such as Cost-Per-Click (CPC), Cost-Per-Impression (CPI), and so on. 

#2. Sell Sponsored Blog Posts

Some bloggers are not interested in displaying advertisements to their readers and are wondering how to monetize a blog without ads.

You give up some control over the content displayed on your site when you use ad networks. Ads may irritate or offend some readers, and an increasing number of people are using ad blockers, which reduces your earning potential.

So Sponsorships are another option for monetizing a blog.

A sponsorship operates in the same way that it does in sports, TV programs, and other sectors. Essentially, a corporation pays you to represent, discuss, and promote its product to your readers.

When posting sponsored content, it’s critical to understand the disclosure laws in your location.

For example, a blogger who publishes a sponsored article in the United States must follow the FTC’s Endorsement Guidelines. This includes revealing any sponsored posts. You may accomplish this by prefixing your article title with a sponsored post prefix in WordPress.

#3 Accept Paid Guest Posts

While most bloggers accept guest articles for free to produce user-generated content, you can charge for guest blog posts if you like. Remember that your site must be large enough and have enough traffic to justify paying for a guest article.

When it comes to SEO, backlinks are crucial. When your blog establishes itself as an authority, many other bloggers want a site link. This is known as a ‘backlink.’

Whether you monetize your blog in this manner or not, you must ensure that the guest bloggers adhere to your writing standards.

Only accept a post that is of good quality and includes relevant links.

#4 Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is a type of marketing in which you promote a product to your target audience. The recommendation employs affiliate links, which are special tracking links. You receive a percentage of the revenue generated when someone purchases a product through your link.

When you blog about a specific topic, you will discover some existing products or services in your field. These products and services are available to you.

If you think your audience will enjoy them, you can recommend them. As a result, your target audience’s buying decision is made simpler, and you get a commission on the sale.

Affiliate links are fantastic because they work across the board, not just on your website. As a result, you can share the link in other places, such as your brand’s social media platforms, and still profit.

Write product reviews or recommendations to get the most out of your affiliate links. Be honest about both the positive and negative aspects of your product experience. 

This will increase the credibility of your content. Readers will be more likely to follow your affiliate links and purchase products based on your recommendations.

Share products that you use and enjoy. Refrain from stuffing dozens of affiliate links into every single post.

#5 Create an Amazon Affiliate Store

Want to create your online store but want to avoid dealing with the hassle, expense, and effort involved in running your own physical business? Building an Amazon Affiliate WordPress shop could be an excellent way for you to earn money from your blog.

In essence, you promote Amazon products on your website. You earn a commission when your visitors buy those products after clicking on your links. This could be a great way to make money if you have a lot of traffic.

The Amazon Associates affiliate program allows you to do this in two ways:

  • Make a new online store that only sells Amazon products.
  • Integrate Amazon products into your existing online store.

Starting a blog about a specific topic and selling physical products to help your readers solve their problems is a smart way for bloggers to earn money online. This is also possible with your products, which we’ll review next.

#6 Sell your Products and Services

You may have built your own or discovered a tangible product you’d like to offer to the rest of the world through your blog. Or perhaps you already have a store and want to expand your items globally.

Online shopping is blasting in popularity, and there’s plenty of room to make money in the industry,

Using a plugin like WooCommerce, you can quickly launch your eCommerce store on your WordPress blog. It’s simple and lets you personalize your shop with many WooCommerce plugins and themes. If you need to learn how to create a WordPress store, make sure to check out this video, How To Create An eCommerce Website With WordPress

#7 Sell Reports and Ebooks on WordPress

Selling eBooks is a common technique for bloggers to monetize their websites.

Ebooks are relatively simple to make and sell. You can charge a fee when you answer some of your readers’ pressing questions.

With this type of monetization, a blogger needs to produce an eBook once and then start earning passive money for as long as they keep it available. Those with a large amount of online content can also turn their blog articles into book chapters.

This method is equally applicable in reverse. If you’ve previously released a print or digital book, you can use blog posts to reach out to people who would be interested in your book.

In addition to selling and advertising an eBook on a blog, try publishing and selling it on Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing – the procedure is simple, quick, and free.

However, remember that the eBook’s content must be distinctive and beneficial. To earn recognition and profit, it must deliver satisfactory value for the money.

#8 Sell Online Courses

If you are excellent at what you write about, you may also coach others on the subject. The coaching sector has grown to $15 billion and is still growing.

You can develop online courses to teach about your particular topic in the same way you can make eBooks. The benefit of online courses is that they allow you to include video, audio, and interactive features that are not available in eBooks.

You can also sell live workshops to the readers of your blog.

You will have market demand as long as you have specific knowledge to share. Courses are typically more widely consumed than books.

#9 Create a WooCommerce Dropshipping Store

 Create a WooCommerce Dropshipping Store

Dropshipping is another method for creating an eCommerce store on your WordPress website without having to manage inventory or ship things yourself.

Dropshipping requires you to set up the store, operate the website, and provide customer care. On the other hand, a dropshipping service will accept your orders and send them to your clients. They’re an unnoticed third party that your consumers are unaware of.

#10 Create a Membership Site

A blog can also be made into a membership website, which only allows subscribers to access the content. This approach works well for bloggers with a following of devoted readers willing to pay for access to fresh blog content.

The following are some benefits of launching a membership website:

  • Stable income: Since subscribers will pay a monthly or yearly charge to access their premium content; bloggers can make recurring income.
  •  Create a devoted community: A membership website may be a fantastic tool for attracting and keeping devoted members.
  • Automation is an option. A membership site is a fantastic passive revenue source since it can deliver content automatically.

FAQs about making money with WordPress?

Here are some of the most common questions people ask when they start blogging.

How Many Views Do You Need to Make Money on WordPress?

Many people are curious about how much blog traffic is necessary to generate revenue.

If you utilize your blog primarily to promote other aspects of your business, you just need one client or customer to generate revenue.

However, you’ll need more visitors if you wish to monetize your blog’s audience or content.

Depending on your blog’s category, you may require a certain amount of visitors or pageviews to make running the site and producing material worthwhile.

For instance, Google AdSense estimates that a travel website with 50,000 monthly visitors will generate roughly $8,460 in revenue annually.

Ad revenue may always be supplemented by affiliate links, eBook sales, or email marketing for your digital or physical items.

Which one of these proven ways is right for me?

It all depends on your passion and which strategy will work best with your blog’s content.

For example, if you have a photography site, affiliate marketing, adverts, and premium memberships may all be effective.

Focus on providing valuable, high-quality content that consumers will like, and money will follow. As the adage goes, do what you love, and the money will follow.

How much can I make from blogging?

Again, the correct answer depends on your topic and the effort you put in. You will make money dependent on the amount of traffic you receive and the tactics you employ. We have seen bloggers earn over $100,000 per month with constant work.

The more work you put in, the more money you can make.

How long before I start making some serious money from blogging?

Making money online is not a quick-rich scheme. To make money from your blog, you must work hard and devote significant time to it. Anyone who tells you otherwise is most likely trying to con you.

There is no obvious way to predict when you will start making money. Some bloggers make tiny amounts of money right away after establishing their blogs. Others need help getting their blogs to take off.

On the other hand, those who work consistently and adhere to a predetermined strategy are more likely to experience encouraging results fairly early on.

What is the most common mistake when trying to make money on WordPress?

The most common mistake many website owners make is focusing entirely on selling a product/service rather than giving value to the end user. The value you provide to customers will drive greater traffic and profit.

Another typical mistake that most individuals make is failing to be patient with the process. They want to start making money right away, which is unrealistic.


So, there you have it! A list of ways to generate money on WordPress. There are even more ways to monetize your WordPress website. The most difficult aspect of putting any idea into action is getting started. You’ll be halfway there if you start implementing and experimenting with all that we have covered. If you need any help creating your website, do not hesitate to contact us

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